Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 04:30:32 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #45 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Sun, 20 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 45 Today's Topics: ARnet - Ham Radio Network BayCom V2.00 BPQ for Windows KA9Q NOS mutation for VAX/VMS? PK232 and RS HTX-202 problems. (3 msgs) Q: Easy Mobile Packet? (3 msgs) teemetry Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 19 Feb 94 17:24:00 -0500 From: agate!!wwswinc! Subject: ARnet - Ham Radio Network To: ™ŽŽŽŽŽ¨ ÑŽŽŽŽŽ¨ § ´ § ´ €ŽŽŽŽŽµ €ŽŽŽÁŽÖ ™Žù Á ÑŽŽ¨ ™ŽÑŽ¨ § ´ § ´ § § ´ €Ž § É À É ÀŽŽ É ÒŽÖ ÉŽŽÖ É Amateur Radio Net Amateur Radio Net is a net dedicated to Amateur Radio enthusiasts. If you are an Amateur Radio enthusiast, or any of your callers are, this is an echomail network for you. ARnet is replacing an older ham radio network that recently folded - RF-Net(tm). If you would like to get more information about this net, please look for the information packet ARNET024.ZIP on the following BBS's: Channel1 SaltAir Mustang HQ BBS Execnet Intelec Sound Of Music and the Network Host BBS - The Silicon Garden. It can be FREQ'd from 1:2619/211 using a magic name of ARNET ARnet is available via QWK & FIDO. As this is the initial announcement of the net many HUB positions are still open. If you have any questions, please contact me. John Woodstock, N2HAA P.O. Box 436 Coram, NY 11784 BBS: 516-736-6662 FIDO: 1:2619/211 Internet: --- ³ TXTBCST 1.3b: ARnet - Ham Radio Info Source ------------------------------ Date: 20 Feb 94 00:39:07 GMT From: Subject: BayCom V2.00 To: Hi everyone, Regarding the rumuors about the purportedly imminent release of V2.00 and associated questions, here's some wisdom straight from the horses' mouth, Johannes DG3RBU. Johannes told me last week that he expected a release this year. There was no word about a release being imminent. The new version is intended to have a YAPP facility. It will also no longer be available for copying among amateurs, but will carry individualized call signs. Johannes regrets that it had to come to this, but the relentless efforts of certain people who have used "free" BayCom software to enhance commercial sales of their own clone modems without permission have driven the BayCom team to this decision. In this context I would also like to warn impatient users from some advertising pitfalls put up by the not-so-honest in the business. While there are some genuine alternatives to the BayCom software such as TFPCX with assorted terminal programs, or AX25DRV and it's derivatives etc., some pirates have come up with programs that are based on outdated BayCom versions. A visiting German amateur recently gave me a program named PC-COM which he insisted had been given to him for free as the "latest BayCom software". On close inspection, it turned out to be a program with a fancy coloured start-up screen, based on BayCom version 1.2 which at that stage was at least two years out of date. The current BayCom version is V1.50a, with some special compilations for certain regions. Unless you are attempting to run 300 Bd with a version V1.50, there is probably no reason to upgrade to V1.50a or any other 1.50- version that is worth the effort. 73, Ulrich ZL1DDL Ulrich Guenther Physics Department University of Auckland PH: 09-373 7599 ext. 8864 Internet: Amateur Packet Radio: ZL1DDL@ZL1AB.#11.NZL.OC ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 1994 23:07:33 GMT From: agate!!!!! Subject: BPQ for Windows To: The problem you are having with your packet software under Windows is Windows. It is really bad for communications... depending on what speed you are running at, it drops characters, and also (just like OS/2, Linux, etc...) won't allow the directr resetting of the serial port that maybe this software is attempting. If you want to multitask comm software, get something else, basically... or you might want to try getting a new comm driver... there are many good shareware ones, and many good non-shareware ones too. ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 1994 19:49:20 GMT From: sgiblab!!!!! Subject: KA9Q NOS mutation for VAX/VMS? To: Here's one I haven't heard before: Among the many mutations of KA9Q/NOS to various platforms, has any port to VMS been done? The full functionality of NOS would actually be overkill, as tcp/ip support is already available via CMU-IP; is there some simple AX.25 KISS-mode driver that will allow the VAX to talk to my MFJ-1270B? (The OS is MicroVMS 4.4, incidentally.) Thanks for any info, -Phil KB7ZFH ( ------------------------------ Date: 19 Feb 1994 14:08:31 GMT From: agate!!!udel!!!dorsai! Subject: PK232 and RS HTX-202 problems. To: DALE BABIY ( wrote: : Hiya folks. I've got a PK232MBX packet controler, and a RadioShak HTX-202 : handheld. I'd like them to become friends :).... My problem is, I assemble the : cable as depicted in the manual, The cables check out with the ohm metere (no : continutity breaks...) so I plug it in, throw the 232 into calibrate mode and : hit k to key up, but the TX lcd segment doesn't light... no info getting out to : the real world... : So folks, anything increadibly dumb that is obviously the problem or should I : desodder everything and start from square 1? : Dale, : VE7XDB As I have neither an HTX-202 nor a PK-232, this is a shot in the dark but may be worth looking into. HT's key their transmitters using different methods; some draw a small current from the microphone pin, others make connections to ground. Check the Owner's Manual of your PK-232, there may be a section that deals with this. I know that my MFJ-1278 can be modified internally using jumpers to solve this problem. Or, you may have just soldered the cable connectors incorrectly... Let me know how you make out. -- John Monaco ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 1994 15:35:38 GMT From: mulvey! Subject: PK232 and RS HTX-202 problems. To: DALE BABIY ( wrote: : Hiya folks. I've got a PK232MBX packet controler, and a RadioShak HTX-202 : handheld. I'd like them to become friends :).... My problem is, I assemble the : cable as depicted in the manual, The cables check out with the ohm metere (no : continutity breaks...) so I plug it in, throw the 232 into calibrate mode and : hit k to key up, but the TX lcd segment doesn't light... no info getting out to : the real world... : So folks, anything increadibly dumb that is obviously the problem or should I : desodder everything and start from square 1? Well, when I was hooking my HTX up to my MFJ, I found that I had to use a smaller value resistor than was recommended - I used 1.5K instead of the 2.2K mentioned in the manual and by RS. It's been working like a charm ever since. ( The HTX is great on packet - I can hit nodes 14 miles away using the rubber resistor, while in my basement. Of course, I don't usually do that because it would annoy the other packeters in the area. :-) - Rich -- Rich Mulvey Amateur Radio: N2VDS Rochester, NY "Full power on half a watt." ------------------------------ Date: 18 Feb 94 17:32:03 -0700 From: ucsnews!!!!! Subject: PK232 and RS HTX-202 problems. To: Hiya folks. I've got a PK232MBX packet controler, and a RadioShak HTX-202 handheld. I'd like them to become friends :).... My problem is, I assemble the cable as depicted in the manual, The cables check out with the ohm metere (no continutity breaks...) so I plug it in, throw the 232 into calibrate mode and hit k to key up, but the TX lcd segment doesn't light... no info getting out to the real world... So folks, anything increadibly dumb that is obviously the problem or should I desodder everything and start from square 1? Dale, VE7XDB ------------------------------ Date: 18 Feb 1994 13:38:23 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: Q: Easy Mobile Packet? To: Daniel W. Collison ( wrote: : Anyone have any advice for a convenient way to connect a packet TNC to : a mobile rig? It would be nice not to have to keep unplugging from the : external speaker jack, not have to unscrew the microphone, etc., if you : could switch from mike to packet & vice versa. Also it would be : convenient to run the TNC off of the car's power. I want to use a : KPC-3 TNC, an Icom 228H, and a laptop computer. Thanks. It's not hard to build a switch box that will allow you to switch between the TNC and the mic. You can buy a chassis mount jack for the mic connecter (I got mine from HRO) and Radio Shack sells the matching 8-pin plug. I also put a switch on my external speaker so I can shut off the audio (actually, it switches the radio output to a jack that's mounted on the speaker so I can use a remote speaker outside the truck, but it serves as a shut off switch, too). The receive audio is available on the mic jack also. Mike, K0TER ------------------------------ Date: 18 Feb 94 19:57:05 GMT From: swrinde!!!!!! Subject: Q: Easy Mobile Packet? To: In <2k0icj$> (Daniel W. Collison) writes: >Also it would be >convenient to run the TNC off of the car's power. I want to use a >KPC-3 TNC, an Icom 228H, and a laptop computer. Thanks. Unless they've changed things from the KPC-2 to the KPC-3, you can directly plug it into your outlet. My KPC-2 came with a 12V wall-brick power supply. I threw that out and wired it into my 12V power supply for my other equipment. The KPC-3 _should_ have a regulator on-board to cut that down to what they need. +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Jim Van Peursem - Ph.D. Candidate - Ham Radio -> KE0PH | | Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering | | Iowa State University - Ames, IA 50011 : (515) 294-8339 | | internet - -or- | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------ Date: 18 Feb 94 22:13:44 GMT From: hsdndev!! Subject: Q: Easy Mobile Packet? To: In article (Jim Van Peursem) writes: > >Also it would be > >convenient to run the TNC off of the car's power. I want to use a > >KPC-3 TNC, an Icom 228H, and a laptop computer. Thanks. > > Unless they've changed things from the KPC-2 to the KPC-3, you can > directly plug it into your outlet. My KPC-2 came with a 12V wall-brick > power supply. I threw that out and wired it into my 12V power supply > for my other equipment. The KPC-3 _should_ have a regulator on-board > to cut that down to what they need. Even better, the KPC-3 can run for a week off an internal 9V battery. --- ======================================================================= Kenneth E. Harker N1PVB Dartmouth College Amateur Packet Radio Hinman Box 1262 (603) 643-6549 Hanover, NH 03755 or n1pvb-5 on 144.99 ======================================================================= (PGP Public Key now available on request) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 00:35:09 -0500 From: olivea!!!! Subject: teemetry To: I am involved in a project involving PC data collection. I need to syncronize two PC's collecting data - one under a brige, and one in the car going over a bridge. All I need to do is provide some external time base that both PC's can collect along with the other data (actually only one need collect it, the opposite PC could generate it for itself and the other one) I need to syncronize the two PC's to within about 1 mili-second of each other. Any ideas??? Packet comes to mind as one posibility, but is it fast enough? How about other kinds of (amateur) digital telemetry? Any suggestions would be appericiated Al Ludwig, N7JTI ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #45 ******************************